Do you normally take a lot of pills that you can't seem to keep track off and often wish there was a way you could keep track of what pills to take at what time of the day and more?
Or are you the care giver to someone who takes pills and would like to find a way to track their medication and supplements intake?
If you've answered YES,
If you are taking drugs or supplements, then you probably know how hard it is to keep track of when and how to take the drugs, milligrams and every tiny detail about such drugs/supplements.
This coupled with the fact that people can get really busy or forget easily makes it even more complicated to follow the prescriptions diligently. The fact that you are reading this means you’ve had enough of trying to keep track of your pills and are desperate to bring order and eliminate uncertainty.
Perhaps you are wondering...
Will this tracker be suitable for all kinds of drugs?
Is it beginner friendly?
Is it possible to keep track of more than just one medication or supplement?
Will it help you track small, yet important details about drugs and supplements like milligrams taken and more?
The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES!
Even if you’ve never really considered yourself organized, this book will instantly make it easy for you to keep track of all your medications and supplements, without feeling like you are trying too hard!